Global Cooperation

Not-Two Is Peace

Hello, my name is Brian Auger and I am writing this blog to explain the writings of Adi Da Samraj, spiritual master, author, artist, and to connect his writings to current events in the world. While I intend my explanations to be valuable and accurate, nothing can replace your reading of the book – please go to to order one, or to download PDFs of chapters for free.

I spent many years working in Canada’s central bank, and in the department of government supporting Canada’s Prime Minister. I have had the opportunity to see how certain important processes work from a perspective not available to most people. Also, my work gave me a good reason to stay current with the affairs – political and economic, in the world. My background is physics, not ecomics or politics, so I am not writing to you from any specialist perspecitve. Rather, grounded in my experience in the world, my perspective is that of a student of the work of Adi Da Samraj, a great spiritual master. In his book “Not-Two Is Peace“, Adi Da describes the current reality in a different way. And he presents the principles describing or underlying the changes that must take place at this unique turning-point in human history. I welcome you to join with me now in this critically important consideration.